Monday, 6 June 2011
Newborn Baby Day 5
Total is the first weigh in for Baby J. The health visitor is due to visit to see how he is progressing. This is a moment that can fill a new mother with dread. How much weight has my little baby lost? Will I be judged as being a bad mother if my baby has not maintained birth weight?
Little J weighed 3.04kg at birth. He was not as small as you would think as this is only 6lb 11. He was very long, and very very skinny.
At the 5th day weigh in he had INCREASED!!!! to a fabulous 3.1kg (6lb 13). I am a very proud mummy, and suddenly the round the clock feeding seems worth it.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Newborn Baby - Day 3,4
Life with a newborn baby and a toddler is frantic! Little E is full of excitement, jumping on all the furniture, crying when he does not get his own way, I feel like i have to have eyes in the back of my head as he wants to kiss and cuddle Baby J all the time. Little E wants to wake him up when he is sleeping, cuddle him when he is crying (because he has just been woken up), and carry him around! I am not sure how i am going to cope with both of them on my own. Thank goodness for paternity leave, and my Mother coming to stay when the Daddy is at work this week.
I am still on a high from the birth and completely unphased by the constant feeding and lack of sleep.
Day 3 Feeding = 9.40, 11.15, 2.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 9.40, 1.20, 1.15, 3.30, 4.20, 5.20, 6.30
Poor Baby J was very unsettled through the night, and the only thing that would calm him was feeding. I am not sure if I have done the right thing, however he has finally settled at 6.30am so something must be right.
Day 4 Feeding = 10.20, 11.30, 1.25, 3.50, 6.35, 8.15, 11.35, 2.30, 3.20, 5.00
Success! Baby J's feeding was a little more spaced out, although I was exhausted by 5am. I had to wake the Daddy as I can not stay up all night again.
Thank goodness for the Daddy, I would fall apart without him. From memory Baby J's feeding pattern is following the same pattern as Little E, and with any luck Baby J will sleep longer at night in a few days. I am feeling very tired from lack of sleep, but the reward from the hard work we have been doing is motivating me to stay positive.
I am not really getting any sleep in the day as we also have Little E to look after.
Oh, and thank goodness for Lansinoh. My nipples are sore, but no cracking thanks to the good old trusty purple cream!
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Day 2 Feeding Frenzy!
11.15 am
12.45 pm
1.20 pm
Baby J sleeps in between each feed, and by 4am I am exhausted.
From 1am he is so windy and unsettled, I am reaching the end of my sanity when finally at 4am he settles and goes to sleep.
I would not wish any moment away, but I am starting to look forward to when times are more settled. The contrast between Little E and Baby J is huge. The biggest in when they were newborn is the amount of sleep Baby J needs. I know it is hard to remember what happens in the early days, but Little E was never a big day sleeper. Baby J sleeps all the time!
Now is my chance to rest!
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Thursday, 28 April 2011
The royal wedding warm up.
Is it wrong that I am recording the film of will and kate? This is my guilty secret of 2011, and I am hoping it will be good. In truth I know it will be shocking bad. Am hoping FB does not notice, he is not the most observant at noticing what has been recorded on the virgin box.
Am also taping the highlight so I can wallow in royal glam when FB is back at work next week.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Pillow Talk
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Day 1 - routine
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Day 2
Friday, 18 March 2011
The first day
Thursday, 17 March 2011
The First Morning
I think I got about four hours sleep on the first night. This sounds O.K. considering I have a newborn baby, however it was not Baby J that stopped me sleeping, it was my excitement about having him.
FF had left me the laptop, and after a little re-arranging of the room I settled into watching a few movies while Baby J was feeding.There are two things I dislike about staying in hospital ...
1. It never gets dark enough to sleep
2. Just as you are dropping off from sheer exhaustion after a sleepless night, you are woken at 6am for breakfast
Imagine my joy when
1. I was shown how to turn out the lights in my room (I wondered what all the switches were for)
2. There was no early call for breakfast. I was overjoyed to be told I had to walk to the day room for a buffet breakfast. With great pride I pushed Baby J in his goldfish tank to breakfast and mingled with other mums. The chat went a little something like this,
"OMG, it was you screaming yesterday, did they forget about you."
"Ummm yes!"
Friday, 11 March 2011
Hands on Father
Sunday, 6 March 2011
The first night
We settled into our lovely private room at about 10pm. I ignored all the comments from any midwives about remembering me from earlier in the day (you never know when they may come in handy.)
We ordered some out of hours dinner, FF set up the laptop so I had some entertainment and left Baby J and me to get some well deserved rest. This is easier said than done when the adrenaline is pumping and the excitement of a new baby is peaking.
I think I dozed for a few hours in between feeding and checking Baby J was ok. We had a busy hour at 1am where Baby J filled his nappy four times with the sticky black poo.
I had a few words with Baby J, as am convinced there was already some conspiracy with the Daddy. There will be none left in the morning if he does not stop and the Daddy will miss all the fun.
Baby J seems more sensitive than Little E. He hated pooing, giving out little cries each time. He gets most disgruntled at bringing any mucus or milk up in his mouth, but rather than spit it out, he swallows it back down. Little E was sick almost from the moment he was born, but already Baby J is proving how different he will be.
This is such a magical time, and I am treasuring every moment
Friday, 4 March 2011
Scary things my toddler says #1
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Too calm to be in labour ... you must be joking!
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Any Twinges Yet???
Any twinges yet?
The midwife looked disappointed yesterday that nothing had happened. No twinges, no show. I left with a gentle wave, and the news that I would now not be seeing them until after the baby is born. My next schedule appointment is with the consultant at 40weeks + 6 days so all I have to do now is put my feet up and rest. The midwife advised I may not make it that long .... only Baby can decide that I said.
The Daddy got a little spooked last night after I explained what 3/5 engaged meant, and updated him on what the midwife told me. I was feeling quite uncomfortable after wearing myself out vacuuming half the living room (we live in a small terrace). Baby no.2 was prodding and poking me in places he should not, and I had eaten a very large dinner. My tummy was aching, and the braxton hicks were on full form.
I may have thought the twinges were starting, however I could feel a small popping sensation at the top of my rather large belly. "I think it is wind" I said.
After another hour of this, The Daddy kept asking if I was sure I was OK, and maybe I should text the childminder to warn her something may be happening. "Ummm, no ... " I said pausing for a moment, "oooh, definitely wind!" and finally the pressure started to ease.
Pregnancy ... so dignified!
Monday, 31 January 2011
Baby No.2 ... What to pack in my hospital bag???
I feel a small sense of triumph that my hospital bags are packed and in the car waiting for THE big event.
I use the plural 'bags' because there are four in total.
1. Food bad. This was the first bag to be packed (I know my priorities). Food bag contains cereal bars, chocolate, water, crisps, fruit pots, nuts ... and so on to keep my energy levels up during labour, and for however long afterwards that I may be staying in hospital.
2. Baby Bag. I finished packing this bag next and it contains
6 Vests
6 Sleep Suits
Nappies (Nature Baby)
2 pairs socks
2 hats
4 Muslins
1 Bag Cotton Wool
1 Going Home Outfit
1 Snow Suit
3. The Mummy Bag. Finally last week, I finished the mummy bag (part a) which contains all the things I need for labour and immediately after. It contains
Slipper Socks
Lip Balm - for the Daddy to apply whilst I am using Gas and Air
Tens Machine
Mini Toiletries (Shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, hand cream, moisturiser, face wipes)
2 Maternity Bras
2 Pairs washable Breast Pads
PJ's, which I intend to live in for at least one month after the birth
Toothbrush, Toothpaste
Pants, pants and more pants (disposable, and a new multi pack from George which was a bargain £3.50 for 5)
Maternity Pads
Book (never going to get read)
Pen and notepad - to make notes of contractions, feeding times etc.
4. The Mummy Bag. (part b). With things I may need if I am staying in over night or longer. It contains
2 sets of PJ's
More pants!
More Maternity Pads
Portable DVD player and DVDs
Now I can relax and know that everything is organised, and all I have to do is wait until the time is right for Baby No.2 to make an appearance.
Monday, 10 January 2011
Heart melting moment
After watching the first episode of a new cbeebies programme "charlie bear" for the fifth time in a row, Little E turned to the Mummy and said,
"Mummy build rocket like charlie bear to go to moon?"
Well, I could not move fast enough to build Little E his first rocket (out of the new version of stickle bricks). I smiled with delight as he ran round he room zooming to the moon.