Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Baby E is 17 Weeks old (4 months)

Baby E is 17 weeks old. I am finding it hard to believe how quickly the last 4 months have flown by.

The past week has been quite busy for Baby E and his development.

Tuesday - We have been to Baby Massage, where we discussed baby's development. We learned how to massage the chest and arms. The other mums invited me to join them at another play group on Thursday, however I am busy with work. In the afternoon he had his second set of vaccinations. He started crying as soon as he saw the needles on the desk in the nurses office. I am amazed he remembers what they are for. His fear of the needles was far greater than the pain of the vaccinations, and he was not too upset when the nurse injected him. He was a little clingy and unsettled the next day, but nothing to worry about.

Wednesday - We have been to a weening group at the local Sure Start centre. We were invited by the Health Visitors and were part of the pilot group.

Thursday - Baby E spent the afternoon with his Grandmother while I went to a meeting at work. He refused to sleep all day and so was exhausted when I returned to pick him up. He had a lovely time, however has since started crying when I put him in his crib for a nap in the day. I think he is suffering from baby abandonment trauma. He is getting lots of cuddles, and re-assurance that I am still here for him.

Saturday - We took Baby E on our favourite walk around a local reservoir. Baby E loved the windy weather, and had lots of birds, trees and fishermen to look at. He was not as impressed with the water as he was by the sea. When we returned home, he started baby chatting to us. Once he was started, he would not stop! He had so much to say, and no doubt was telling us all about his morning. Now he chats at every opportunity, he even chats in the middle of the night if he awakes in his crib. I may be time to start planning on moving him to his own room. (oh no!)

Sunday - Baby E tried a door bouncer for the first time on Sunday, he spent most of the time knocking the bar against the door frame to hear the banging noise.

Monday - Baby E started rolling over. He has been accidentally rolling over for a few weeks, however there has been a sudden development, and he happily rolls from front to back and back to front when he is playing on the floor. Now he tries with all his might to move around when he is on his front. He wriggles, and pulls at anything around him in an attempt to get moving.

Monday - Baby E also started standing up when you help him into a seated position. He stops bending in the middle, and pushes up with his legs into a standing position. From there he wants to enjoy all his usual pastimes of sucking on your fingers, and looking around.

Baby E is much happier to sit in the high chair, and can now occupy himself for up to twenty minutes. He loves playing with his squeaky giraffe, and fluffy bunny.

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